Thursday, May 8, 2008

Station Teaching

Hi Gang -
I got an email from Joel Newman - he would like to help w/ fall training next year specifically w/ team building/teaching in station teaching (but would be good for our group lessons as well... let's keep this in mind when planning next year's fall training!!!


1 comment:

snowpro3 said...

Not Sure how to post a whole blog, but here we go. Here is an exercise I want everybody to try. Sit on the edge of a surface without your feet touching the ground. I want you to initiate movement anterior and posterior with your hips. Think about what is happening and where each segment of you body is moving. Next do the same thing but start the movement with you shoulders and discover what happens and what is the difference. Next step, move lateral (side to side) initiating with from your hips. Think about how each body part moves. Finally move laterally initiating movement from your shoulders. What are the differences and how does this effect skiing and our teaching. Oh by the way in the medical realm hip are lower body.